” If you wanna fly, you have to give up the shit that weighs you down.” – Toni Morrison

Growing up in Haiti, Christina has always loved working with her hands to create things; from repairing objects, disassembly and reassembly, she had a mind that was curious to understand how things came
together and functioned. On January 12th, 2010, a magnitude 7 earthquake struck Haiti with a series of aftershocks that followed around 5.9. This resulted in an estimated death toll of 200,000 – 300,000 civilians
and displaced hundreds of thousands who survived the aftermath. The total amount of damage in terms of infrastructure, homes, etc ranged from 7.8 – 8.5 billion dollars; poverty stricken areas had the hardest time recovering from this catastrophic event. Christina remarked an astonishing and distressing detail about this event: “People died not because of the earthquake, but because houses weren’t built properly.” This solemn statement reinforces the disparity regarding the lack of consideration for public safety in the building industry in certain parts of the word. Christina’s family moved not long after the earthquake and it was from this tragic event that she wanted to do something about it; she wanted to give back to the people of Haiti if she possibly could. Christina saw architecture as a means to do so. While she always had a love for putting things together, architecture was the link by which both human safety and experience would be factored in.
In 2012, Christina enrolled in the architecture program at the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of architecture at the City College of New York. During her academic journey, Christina sought to be as involved as she possibly could; there were changes that she wanted to see, so she knew she would have to step up to the plate. In 2014 she became the Vice President of AIAS (American Institue of Architecture Students) and by 2015 became the President of that chapter. AIAS helped organize many of the activities for incoming freshmen and for the school as a whole. Many guest speaks have been invited to speak at lectures to the student body as by the request of this organization. Ultimately, Christina graduated with her B.arch in 2017 and works at a design build firm called CCP Design Build, where she has the opportunity to explore two of her deepest interest: construction and architectural design. She is currently working her way towards licensure.

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