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Gabriela Gonjon

February 9th, 2021 | Written By: Daniel Blanc

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;

watch your words, they become your actions;

watch your actions, they become your habits;

watch your habits, they become your character;

watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

– Lao Tzu

Gabriela Gonjon was born in the Bronx, NY but moved and was raised in rural/suburban South Jersey for most of her life. Gabriela’s comes from a diverse rich family with her father being Dominican and Chinese, while her mother is an  Afro Latina. Identity is something young men and women spend quite a bit of time grappling with; on the one hand some are left unsure how to identify themselves, while others choose one side and exclude the other. In Gabriela’s  case, she was taught to fully accept and to love all pieces of herself. Gabriela’s loving parents endeavored to maintain a healthy relationship with their daughter, also keeping her well informed about her roots and culture. ( I am breaking the 4th wall momentary because I want to communicate with you how amazing Gabriela’s parents are. While in the studio for this photoshoot, Gabriela’s father came to watch and support his daughter by being there for her! He took several videos which I am going to share the screenshots with you all below. Okay now back to the 3rd person).

Photos shared with DB Studios.
(Courtesy of Gabriela)

Gabriela is currently attending the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of architecture at the City College of New York; however, architecture was not her initial choice. 3 days after the start of school, she decided to change majors. “Before entering City College the idea of  architecture as a profession never came to me” Gabriela shared. Compared to the majors outside of architecture, this major has its own building that is opened 24/7, personal lockers for the student, and desk areas for students to occupy throughout the entire semester. It was essentially a micro community filled with resources to get the job done. At the same time, deep relationships are formed in architecture school because of the ample amount of time spent together; secrets are shared that perhaps are not even spoken of at home. Most importantly, it is a space where everyone encourages one another with their work and critiques. As in most cases, the first few days or weeks of school can come with anxieties and excitement all stirred together amongst the frenzy of navigating the unfamiliar halls of the school. Many people also endeavor to establish cliques by which they can get through this new experience together. Gabriela was not only interested in socializing with the people in her year, but introduced herself to the upperclassman for advice and to acquire the infamous “drafting table” that all first years had to acquire. Gabriela’s unsurety in her decision soon disappeared as she delved into the world of design; she began to see the broad of possibilities and the key roles a design places in our everyday society. For Gabriela, architecture is also about community relationship; this encouraged her to participate in school organizations such as AIAS. As her experience grew in architecture so did her contributions to her academic community. Today, Gabriela is Vice President of CCNY’s NOMAS and is the Social Media Director of a student-formed organization called Ad Hoc Cooperative. Ad Hoc engages students to work together to design for our present social and economic climate, using relatively unprecedented solutions to address this fluctuating society we live in today. In 2023 Gabriela will graduate with her Bachelors in Architecture.

Ad Hoc Cooperative’s Monthly Coffee Chats.
(Photo is courtesy of Ad Hoc Coop)

Ad Hoc Project meeting.
(Photo is courtesy of Ad Hoc Coop)

Q + A Time

So we met in architecture school and I know you’re vreally driven for what you do in design – design activism. What led you to architecture?

“When I started going to City College, I initially went for something in computer science. And on the 3rd day of school I just felt like the energy in there was very sad, lonely and kind of boring looking… I felt like that wasn’t me. And my mom was like, ‘ why don’t you do something more creative because all your life you’ve been drawing…’ Things like that and I also did theater a lot too… So I went on google and searched and saw the architecture building. Seeing that architecture was so well rounded, in drawing, math, computing… and it is very hands on; everything is project base… I felt like that was the best place for me… I like doing presentations and I also like designing.” – Gabriela Gonjon

Yes, that’s fantastic, thank you for sharing that. Being in such a broad diverse school, such as the architecture school at City College, and considering the theme of this photoshoot, which is Black History month, how do you feel in regards to being a young female emerging in the profession. Do you feel there is enough representation for you?

“I feel like architecture is one of those majors where it’s kind of like a privilege to have. You know, it’s nice to be able to have so much control over the projects that you are doing… I’m [also] upset at all the barriers it has. Sometimes when a person picks their career, they pick something that [someone in their family does for a living]. Architecture being very undiverse [makes it harder for someone to learn about architecture outside having someone they can relate to]. Besides [the cost of supplies] I feel like many people who never heard of architecture before as a job… [may even be deterred because of how expensive an design education may be]. I never knew that there was a profession like architecture where [arts and crafts can play a key roll in designing]. I was lucky to go to City College… because otherwise I would never have imagined myself getting into a major like this and enjoying it” – Gabriela Gonjon

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